Wellbeing in the Workplace Promotes Productivity

Studies repeatedly show that employers who promote employee wellbeing reduce attrition and increase employee satisfaction and productivity.

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EAP and Employer Testimonials

  • "Working with Amplified Life’s program has given me the confidence to effectively communicate with my co-workers, broaden my life skills by using the Enneagram Assessment to better understand myself and why I do what I do for a more successful career and personal life.  Thank you Amplified Life for changing my life!"

    Karly Hayman / MIcro Manufacturing

  • “It has been so encouraging to partner with Amplified Life in accomplishing our goal of enhancing emotional and mental wellbeing for our staff."

    Rachel Rydbeck, Owner of R-Athletics

  • "Amplified Life has assisted our firefighters on several occasions in the past few years following particularly difficult calls by offering CISM debriefing; they have been of great help!"

    Paul Sheely, Fire Chief of Cutlerville Fire Department

  • "Each month our customers eagerly await the arrival of the new edition of MindHealth Matters. It is one of the most dynamic and interactive newsletters I have seen. With the feel of an app, it has the advantage of updated content every month. One of our customers saw utilization increase fourfold after this timely newsletter was introduced at the beginning of this year."

    Dan Tuft, CEO of Response Works

  • "From the first call I received from Lyle Labardee through our implementation, monthly promotional campaigns and account management, I have been thoroughly impressed with Amplified Life. They are extremely talented and in business to do the right thing always. ... PAS is a raving fan!"

    Susan Skinner, President of Personal Assistance Services

  • "Recently, our internal EAP needed to digitize some of our learning resources and Amplified Life helped us to easily reach that goal..... Thanks to Amplified Life, our team is continuing to meet the behavioral health needs of our ever-changing workforce."

    Dr. J Henderson / MD Anderson Cancer Centers

  • 'I am the Director of an Employee Assistance Program serving more than 30,000 employees. I highly recommend Amplified Life. ...We have been very pleased with the content and production of every issue of their newsletter as well as the seamless delivery of this product to our very large employee population."

    Patricia Kidd, LMFT, Director of the Employee Assistance Program of Santa Clara County, CA

  • "Amplified Life's program completes the benefit package we are able to offer our employees and their families. Amplified Life's wellbeing services meets the needs of people in a variety of ways in and out of the workplace. ..... It assists with mental health awareness and brings focus to issues happening to many people that we think might only be happening to us alone. Our office has greatly benefited from Amplified Life and its services. "

    Peggy Sattler, Byron Township Clerk

  • We love Amplified Life! The Employee Assistance services are just the right size and type for our company.

    Kyle Witter, Manager at Micro Manufacturing

Amplified Employee Assistance Services

EAP Consulting Services

With over 25+ years experience serving EAPs throughout the US, and the employers and employees they serve, Lyle Labardee, MS, LPC, provides small businesses with guidance on how to use Employee Assistance services to support employees and reinforce workforce wellbeing and productivity.

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Employee Counseling

Your employees will have access to our network of licensed, mental health therapists, coaches, Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselors, and other specialists. Employers may elect to either defer to the employee's use of their own insurance plan, or pre-pay (sponsor) a number of sessions at discounted rates.

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Workforce Coaching

Workforce coaching provides employers and managers with a process for helping employees identify, address and overcome issues impacting workplace productivity. Employees engage in a number of coaching sessions designed through collaboration with the worforce coach and the employer, and then faciitated by the workforce coach.

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Wellbeing Media & Resources

Wellbeing videos, interactive microtrainings, e-newsletters, and blog feeds make it easy for employees to access help and engage in wellbeing resources on any device at any time.

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Wellbeing Training

Wellbeing training covering a wide range of common workforce issues and concerns is available in a number of formats including, self-directed online learning, live online seminars, off-site training facilities, and on-site services.

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Critical Incident Response (CISM)

Critical incidents are sudden and disruptive workplace events such as death of a co-worker, catastrophic accidents, workplace violence, natural disaters, and other events. These incidents significantly impact one's ability to function on the job. Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a specific set of protocols proven effective in mitigating the impact of these incidents and faciltating individual and organizational recovery.

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Assess The Wellbeing In Your Workplace

This video on Psychological Safety in the workplace includes a simple, self-directed assessment for workplace leaders. Based on the work of expert, Amy Edmondson, PhD, this video provides valuable insight into what's needed to create a workplace that fosters wellbeing and productivity.

Take the Assessment

Getting Started

When you're ready, we'll review all of our available services with you, and then identify a set of services and an annual fee that works for your budget. We'll also provide you with with the support and resources necessary to introduce these services to your employees. Want to learn more? Click the button below and request a follow-up call.

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